Source code for eyeflask.server.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pathlib
import tarfile
import time
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

import defusedxml.ElementTree as etree
from flask import current_app, request, render_template, abort

from . import server
from .crypto import create_credential, make_digest

[docs]def make_path(upload_dir): return pathlib.Path(datetime.strftime(, upload_dir))
[docs]def allowed_file(filename): """Returns `True` if file extension is `.tar`""" return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ['tar']
[docs]def make_snonce(): """Returns a unique 32 character string""" return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')
[docs]@server.route("/api/soap/eyefilm/v1", methods=['POST']) def handle_SOAP(): upload_key = current_app.config.get('UPLOAD_KEY') soapaction = request.headers.get('SOAPAction') current_app.logger.debug("Received SOAPAction: {}".format(soapaction)) if soapaction == '"urn:StartSession"': root = etree.fromstring( transfermode = root.find(".//transfermode").text transfermodetimestamp = root.find(".//transfermodetimestamp").text cnonce = root.find(".//cnonce").text macaddress = root.find(".//macaddress").text credential = create_credential(macaddress, cnonce, upload_key) # EyeFi card doesn't accept cookies, so set a global var instead global snonce snonce = make_snonce() return render_template('start_session.xml', transfermode=transfermode, transfermodetimestamp=transfermodetimestamp, credential=credential, snonce=snonce) elif soapaction == '"urn:GetPhotoStatus"': root = etree.fromstring( macaddress = root.find(".//macaddress").text credential = root.find(".//credential").text # Unused, here for future reference # filename = root.find(".//filename").text # filesize = root.find(".//filesize").text # filesignature = root.find(".//filesignature").text # flags = root.find(".//flags").text expected_cred = create_credential(macaddress, snonce, upload_key, from_eyefi=True) current_app.logger.debug("Credential: {}\n" "Expected: {}".format(credential, expected_cred)) if credential == expected_cred: return render_template('get_photo_status.xml', fileid=1, offset=0) else: return abort(403) elif soapaction == '"urn:MarkLastPhotoInRoll"': root = etree.fromstring( # Unused, here for future reference # macaddress = root.find(".//macaddress").text # mergedelta = root.find(".//mergedelta").text return render_template("mark_last.xml")
[docs]@server.route("/api/soap/eyefilm/v1/upload", methods=['POST']) def upload_photo(): root = etree.fromstring(request.form.get("SOAPENVELOPE")) filename = root.find(".//filename").text current_app.logger.debug("Got upload request for: {}".format(filename)) # macaddress = root.find(".//macaddress").text # fileid = root.find(".//fileid").text # filesize = root.find(".//filesize").text # filesignature = root.find(".//filesignature").text # encryption = root.find(".//encryption").text # flags = root.find(".//flags").text integrity_digest = request.form.get("INTEGRITYDIGEST") current_app.logger.debug("Received INTEGRITYDIGEST: " "{}".format(integrity_digest)) upfile = request.files.get("FILENAME") if upfile and allowed_file(upfile.filename): upload_key = current_app.config.get('UPLOAD_KEY') true_digest = make_digest(upfile, upload_key) current_app.logger.debug("Calculated integritydigest: " "{}".format(true_digest)) if integrity_digest == true_digest: upload_dir = current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] upload_path = make_path(upload_dir) try: upload_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Workaround for Python 3.4 except TypeError: try: upload_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True) except FileExistsError: pass with as archive: if len(archive.getmembers()) == 1: img_file = archive.getmembers()[0] # Eye-Fi sets the image file's a/c/m times to some wonky # date from 2010 -- fix by setting them to the current # time. Tried using the tarfile's creation time and it was # just the upload time, which is no better). Would ideally # find a way to set it to the time it was scanned, in case # that happened significantly prior to connecting to # EyeFlask. img_file.mtime = time.time() archive.extract(img_file, path=str(upload_path)) return render_template("upload_photo.xml", success="true") # If you got here, either `INTEGRITYDIGEST` was wrong, the file wasn't # received, or it had an illegal filename. abort(403)
[docs]@server.errorhandler(403) def unauthorized(e): return "Unauthorized", 403
[docs]@server.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return "Page not found!", 404